Life After COVID-19: Addiction Isn’t Something You Have To Return To

During a crisis situation like COVID-19, individuals with substance use disorders may use illicit drugs as a way to cope. We all deal with stress differently, and it’s likely that the extra stress and fear you’re facing right now will increase your desire to use.

5 Tips for Building Resilience in Early Recovery

In early recovery, resilience is particularly important. After leaving rehab, many people find there are certain challenges in sobriety that are difficult to overcome. These setbacks can result in low self-esteem and disappointment, and in some cases, can result in relapse as people turn back to substance misuse as a coping mechanism.

5 Ways To Help An Alcoholic Friend

If you’ve noticed your friend’s drinking habits have changed or increased significantly in the last six to 12 months, they may have an alcohol use disorder. Perhaps they have been consuming more alcohol than they used to, experiencing blackouts frequently, or showing withdrawal symptoms. All of these behaviors point to alcohol abuse.


tress goes hand in hand with addiction. Often, it’s one of the reasons clients begin to use it in the first place. Once you get clean, you still deal with stress. It can be difficult to know how to cope with stress healthily, particularly when you are used to using drugs, alcohol, or behavior as a coping mechanism. Stress management techniques are beneficial to everyone, but they are essential for recovering addicts in substance abuse treatment.

Kindling And Why it’s Dangerous

When a person experiences detox and withdrawal repeatedly, the symptoms get more severe each time. The cycle of drinking and abstaining has had a detrimental effect on their body chemistry. You might say their chemistry provides “kindling” for the symptoms – making them grow and become more intense, like a fire with proper kindling.  

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