Tips for Managing Boredom in Recovery

Boredom in recovery is common, but it’s also dangerous. Many people suddenly discover that they have excess time on their hands now that they’re not using drugs or alcohol. On top of this, they’re often distancing themselves from old friends and acquaintances who still drink or use drugs. 

The Science Behind Addiction

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by a compulsive behavioral pattern that continues regardless of the harmful consequences. A person who repeatedly relapses regardless of how many times they say they are going to quit. The relationship between science and addiction has become the center of research and discussion for over half a century.

Drug Dependence vs. Drug Addiction

There are many terms thrown around in relation to drug abuse, and it can be difficult to discern what they mean. Drug addiction is an already misunderstood disease, and the confusion regarding terminology only adds to the problem. While drug dependence and drug addiction are often related, they do not mean the same thing.

How To Get Sober From Alcohol: 5 Things To Know

If you’ve decided it’s time to give up alcohol for good, you’re certainly not alone. Over a million Americans seek treatment every year for alcohol addiction, and many eventually find lasting success. That said, the path can appear long and intimidating, especially if you’re just starting

9 Supplements Proven to Help You Overcome Addiction and Withdrawal

Citicoline has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, and enhances the synthesis of acetylcholine and dopamine, which are two neurotransmitters that are critical for optimal brain function. It also increases the number of acetylcholine and dopamine receptors in your brain (2-7).


Recovering from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse is a process and a lifelong journey. It goes beyond the act of eliminating substances of misuse from your system to building a strong foundation for a healthier way of life and the positive behaviors that go along with it. You already know that drug andContinue reading “HOW TO HEAL YOUR BODY AFTER DRUG AND ALCOHOL MISUSE”

Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction?

Substance abuse treatment programs use a variety of treatments, including evidence-based and holistic therapies, to provide you with the tools, education, and skills needed to recover. Holistic therapies, like mindfulness meditation, decrease stress and improve cognition. But can mindfulness meditation work for addiction? Substance abuse, alcoholism, and addiction can damage your relationships, health, and finances. Although 20.7Continue reading “Can Mindfulness Meditation Work for Addiction?”

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